Archive | July 2020

Sunshine Brings Smiles

Wellington wants everyone to be healthy and happy. He urges you to get a good dose of sunshine every day that you possibly can.

Twenty-five minutes of sunshine daily is the recommendation. Vitamin D does it for high blood pressure, diabetes, a variety of other health issues that go on and on. This new lifestyle has clipped secondary Vitamin D intake by a lot. Find ye a sunspot & chill.

Originally tweeted by Sandy Jett Ball (@sandybeachgirl) on July 15, 2020.

Summer Dreams

A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you’re fast asleep
In dreams you will find your sweet hopes
Whatever you wish for you keep

Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
Keep on believing as you wake in morning sunbeams
And the dream that you wish will come true

Every creature in Willis Warren adores Ilene Wood’s poignant song in Cinderella, and with apologies to Mack David, Al Hoffman, Jerry Livingston, we decided to change the words a bit to make it more hopeful. Stay safe good people and happy dreams.